

Posted: 2020-04-30

Don’t Lose to Corona! – No Motivation

You might be teleworking from home…all those plans you had months ago are now down the drain.. school still hasn’t started back up…it feels like you don’t even know what’s happening tomorrow.. .you can’t go outside… And you might have some mornings when you’re like, “I’m just not feeling it!” Or maybe you say to yourself at night, “I didn’t do anything today!”

There’s a reason that you are living here in this place and time. What you do today is full of potential to make a difference in the world tomorrow. Even just for 5 minutes, think about these things – some keys to living life to the fullest, no matter the circumstances!

1. Have a vision
It’s so important to have a vision for our lives. But it’s more than just that – it’s important that our vision guides our purpose today, because those two things can’t be separated. That important “vision” for our lives is something that only God, who created us and sent us out into the world, can teach us.

When there is no clear prophetic vision, people quickly wander astray.
But when you follow the revelation of the word, heaven’s bliss fills your soul. (Proverbs 29:18 TPT)

2. Don’t try to do something that’s out of your control
Not being able to go to school, your kids not being able to go to kindergarten, not being able to get together… There are so many things right now that we can’t do anything about. It’s not that we should do something about those things, but it’s a situation that we accept and deal with. If we keep trying to do something about things we shouldn’t or can’t do anything about, our motivation will gradually disappear. So what we can do is leave it to God.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28 NLT)

3. But do what you can – diligently
Don’t get lost in the confusion of this season and become irresponsible! Haha! Let’s recognise what we can and can’t do, and get started on what we should be doing. As these things stack up, they’ll quietly energize our hearts.

4. Keep focusing on relationships
I think so many more people have the opportunity to get on social media right now. Social media offers us a lot of things, but even there, let’s keep focusing on building meaningful relationships. Let’s stop doing things like bad-mouthing leaders of countries, sharing news that may or may not be true, or looking at strangers’ photos and comparing them to ourselves and getting depressed. Life is something you share with people who are precious to you and is so much better than that!

5. Challenge yourself to do something worthwhile
Let’s hold that vision from God close to our hearts, and challenge ourselves by taking a step towards making a difference with those we care about instead of worrying about things that are beyond our control.

Right now is such a big chance to think about what is important, and what we are living for. Oh, and one more thing! God is right there with you, and He wants you to know the purpose for your life. You are a treasure of incalculable worth! You are His masterpiece!



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