
How to enjoy online service!

Posted: 2020-04-10

How is everyone enjoying online service? There may be a few of you who are hesitant about this new method of service. However, we all want to go forward together with joy in this new season, so here are 7 tips for how we can enjoy online service!

1. Set aside this time as special
Because you are at home, it’s easy to be distracted by everything around you. That’s why it’s important to have this time of online service as a special time!

2. Worship God from your heart!
Direct your worship to God by letting your voice out, raising your hands, and dancing (but do not trouble your neighbors 😅). Just like Paul and Silas worshipped God while in prison, the situation and environment cannot stop us from praising God.

3. Have expectations for God’s words.
Regardless of whether God’s words are delivered to us through a microphone, a computer screen, or an iPhone speaker, those words resonate with us and can inspire all areas of our lives.

4. Pray and think about what you can do.
Just like how the church is the body of Jesus, we are an important organ in that body. There are things we can do because of who we are, and that won’t change even if we are using online platforms. God will help you realize your purpose in life more clearly through this season. Join the Dream Team!

5. Invite friends and family.
There are friends who might say it’s easy to participate because service is online. Because we can watch online service from home, some people can participate together with their parents and siblings. One true pleasure of service is, “Somebody can meet God today!” Let’s try inviting someone this week!

6. Join connect groups.
Because the world is in this state right now, now is the time to connect. Also, now is the time to be led by God. Don’t just stop at being participants of online service, but become a member of a connect group to connect that bridge to online service!

7. Know that you are the church.
Church is not a building or an event. Church is God and the people who are connected to Him. That’s why your everyday is the church and becomes the light for this world. So, Sunday service is not everything, but it is a vital part of helping the church grow. If we look at online service with that perspective, we will definitely enjoy our time on Sundays more!

So, how was it? This advice will definitely help enhance your online service experience! I’m looking forward to gathering together with God and with you again this coming Sunday!




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