
Let’s Love Our Neighbors!

Posted: 2020-06-04
pagmamahal sa kapwa

Good day everyone! We hope and pray that you and your family are having a great week. Whenever we open up the television and our social media we hear and see the news about what’s happening around us, racism, injustice, mistreatment and unfairness—is wrong.

We know especially that the past few days had been challenging for our brothers and sisters in America. I was burdened. And I asked God, “How can I be of help?” Let me share this verse to you, in James 2:8-9 it says: 8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the heart of God. He loves His people. He loves His creation. Regardless of our backgrounds. As Christians, a follower of Christ we are called to love our neighbors. “Love your neighbors as you love yourself” has been written in the bible 8 times. It means, it is so important to God that He made this second of the greatest commandments.

In our current situation today, this is how can we love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

1. Loving our neighbor means we show compassion to them.
2. Loving our neighbor means extending grace towards them.
3. Loving our neighbor means looking out for their well-being.
4. Loving our neighbor means serving them.
5. Loving our neighbor means to practice justice towards our fellow human beings.

These actions can be seen in what Jesus did on the cross. God showed His love, compassion, mercy, service, justice and grace to humanity when He sent Jesus Christ to become an atoning sacrifice for our sins. I believe God wants us to take part on this—by praying for our neighbors, doing the right thing and by speaking out encouragement and God’s word.

We can be of help when we speak out what is right and what is true. Most of all, let us not stop praying for our nation and for our people. We have the assurance that God hears us. He listens and surely, He will move in the midst of our situation.

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