
Little things make up big things

Posted: 2021-08-26

We are in our Summer of Love series, talking about all things relationships. And when Yuumi and I shared our story of how we overcome the differences we find in each other to have a great marriage, one thing I said is that little things make up big things.

Most big successes, or failures, are the result of many little decisions and actions adding up over time. The bible tells us many times how important little things are. It talks about: little seeds – mustard seed faith and what the kingdom of God is like (Matthew 13 + 17, Luke 13 + 17, Mark 4); little feet (and eyes and ears) – we are all like different parts of the body that make up the church, and we all have a part to play (1 Corinthians 12); little tongues – our words steer us like the small rudders of big ships (James 3); even little ants are mentioned in Proverbs as a picture of wisdom (Proverbs 6 + 30).

Little things are important, so let’s get them right. Jesus says:
“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. (Luke 16:10 NLT)

So let’s continue to be faithful in the little things and get them right, they are preparing us to get big things right too! Here are some little things we believe are going to help you in life and your walk with God:

-reading the Bible daily and writing down a God word (journalling)
-praying daily, turning our thoughts into prayer instead of worrying
-forgiving daily, don’t let offence build up in our hearts
-creating a monthly budget for our finance and honoring God with our tithes
-keep making time to connect with God and the church, we’re not meant to walk with Jesus alone

Fletcher & Yuumi



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